Computational Poetics
Computergestützte Poetik

This blog is about recent work in computational poetics and stylistics, digital literary studies and scientific studies of reading.
It’s a spin-off of an interdisciplinary research project called Neurocognitive Poetics .
It presents digital quantitative text analyses for all kinds of verbal materials in different languages with a focus on literary texts and poetry for use in science, art and business.
Sentiment Analyses and other Advanced Computational Text Analyses (ACTA) for Science, Art & Business
(Stimmungsanalysen und andere computergestützte Textanalysen für Wissenschaft, Kunst und Anwendung)
- Emotion Potential (EP), Immersion Potential (IP) & Aesthetic Potential (AP) computation for sentences, chapters or books in multiple languages, e.g. English, German, French or Italian
- Emotional Figure Profiles (EFP) and Figure Personality Profiles (‚Pseudo-big5‘) for fictive characters from books, movies or other media
- Advanced, machine-learning assisted readability & comprehensibility analyses of verbal materials
- State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) & Computational Psycholinguistics analyses, e.g., semantic analyses based on 300d vector space models & deep neural nets; narrative structure, figure complexity or Hybrid Hero Potential
- Development of domain-adequate and task-specific Training Corpora (e.g., the Gutenberg English Literary Corpus/GLEC; Jacobs, 2018)
- Advanced statistical analyses, e.g., nonlinear predictive modeling of NLP big data and human behavioral or neuronal data from scientific studies of reading
Jacobs, A. M. (2014). Affektive und ästhetische Prozesse beim Lesen: Anfänge einer neurokognitiven Poetik (Affective and aesthetic processes in reading: towards a neurocognitive poetics.), in Sprachen der Emotion (Languages of Emotion), eds G. Gebauer and M. Edler (Frankfurt: Campus), 134–154.
Jacobs AM (2015) Neurocognitive Poetics: methods and models for investigating the neuronal and cognitive-affective bases of literature reception. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 9:186. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00186 www.frontiersin.orgl
Jacobs, A. M. (2017). Affective and aesthetic processes in literary reading: A neurocognitive poetics perspective. In M. Burke & E. Troscianko (Eds.), Cognitive Literary Science:Dialogues between literature and cognition. Oxford Univ. Press.
Jacobs AM (2018) The Gutenberg English Poetry Corpus: Exemplary Quantitative Narrative Analyses. Front. Digit. Humanit. 5:5. doi: 10.3389/fdigh.2018.00005
Jacobs, A. M., and Schrott, R. (2015). Gefesselt im Kopfkino: Von Kippschaltern, Madeleine Effekten und Don Quichote Syndromen bei der Immersion in Textwelten (Captivated in the mind’s cinema: of trigger-switches, Don Quichote syndroms and immersion in text worlds). Available online at: FIKTION.CC
Jacobs, A.M., & Willems, R. (2018). The fictive brain: neurocognitive correlates of engagement in literature. Review of General Psychology, 22, 147–160.
Schrott, R., & Jacobs, A. M. (2011). Gehirn und Gedicht: Wie wir unsere Wirklichkeiten konstruieren (Brain and poetry: How we construct our realities). München: Hanser.
Willems, R. & Jacobs, A.M. (2016). Caring about Dostoyevsky: The untapped potential of studying literature. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 20, 243-245.